Slow Down


From Chapter 6, "Slow Down", of Rick Hanson's Just One Thing, good thoughts on how to turn down the insane gain control of modern life:

 * Do a few things more slowly than usual. Leisurely lift the cup to your lips, don't rush through a meal, let others finish talking before jumping in, or stroll to a meeting instead of racing. ...
 * Back off the gas pedal. ...
 * When the phone rings, imagine that it is a church or temple bell reminding you to breathe and slow down. ...
 * Resist the pressure of others to get things done sooner than you really need to. ...
 * Find what's good about this moment as it is, so you'll have less need to zip along to the next thing. ...

... and, perhaps the most important lesson for someone like me who sometimes can't seem to say "no", even when it pushes aside more important things:

Over time, wrap up existing commitments and be careful about taking on new ones. Notice and challenge any internal pressure to be always doing and getting more and more. What's the net bottom-line effect on your quality of life: Does racing about make you happier? Or more stressed and worn out?

All the while, soak in the ease and well-being that come from slowing down—and don't be surprised if people say you look more confident, rested, dignified, and happy.

(cf. With Dignity (2010-12-04), ...) - ^z - 2013-01-15